domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Propaganda of WWI

Propaganda was a way to control public opinion, with this it was promote the idea about the war. The main idea was to get the viewer to stop, read and act according to the propaganda presented. It was to communicate the society, the message each one of the wanted to speak of about. It was a successful idea since the government only gave the people the good information, like the ones who say that the first impression is good, this was part of it. Most of this propaganda is better known to manipulate society´s mind because it practically had the control of their thoughts and points of view. The content of the propaganda's was for making benefit of the government and things such as; conserving food, unification of the nation, etc.

Social Impact of the War- Women

World War I was one of the most destructive wars ofEurope. Not only the weapons were the ones who made the consequences of WWI but society was as well included too. One of this social impacts was the changing roles for women because before women were seen as a division of labor, a domestic female. They could not work or anything, they had to stay at home because that was the role indicated for them. As well as the government increased in its power since having the control of all U.S economy is something big, just as Bernand Baruch. Because like anyone who has power, budgets and benefits are only for the person but never for the country.

Propaganda of WWI

The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Archduke Franz Ferdinand 
  • On March 28 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were visiting Sarajevo. While the Archduke and his wife were visiting Sarajevo, there was a plan to assassinate them. The group that was planning they called themselves the "Young Bosnian's". The initial plan to kill the archduke could not be completed because the assassin assigned to kill him did not do his job correctly. Therefore, he was captured. 
Conspirator, Gavrilo Princip
  • Due to a mistake made by the people planing the Archduke's route, he drove near Gavrilo Princip. Gavrilo was a conspirator, who after the failed attempt at murdering Franz Ferdinand, sat down to eat a sandwich in a nearby cafe. When he see's the Archduke's and Sophies car he walks over to them. The drivers, when realized they made a mistake try to back up but, they only made things worse. Gavrilo was then able to approach the car and shoot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophie. 
  • Gavrilo Princip then tried to kill himself but, failed to do so as his gun was taken away from him by bystanders. While he was being arrested, The Archduke and Sophie died of the gunshot wounds. 
  • The death of Franz Ferdinand is very relevant because he was the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. He was the nephew of Franz Joseph, the ruler of Austria-Hungary. His assassination was the trigger of WWI. 
Gavrilo Princip being arrested after the assassination