domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Terms to Know

  • Nationalism: The unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols.
  • Militarism: Reliance on military strength.
  • Imperialism: The extension of a nation´s power over other lands. 
  • Alliance System: Is a formal agreement or treaty between two or more nations to cooperate for specific purposes.
  • Conscription: Military Draft
  • Trenches: A long, narrow excavation in the ground, the earth from which is thrown up in front to serve as a shelter from enemy fire or attack.
  • War of Attrition: A war based on wearing the other side down by constant attacks and heavy losses, such as.
  • Soviets: A Russian council composed of representatives from the workers and soldiers.
  • War Communism: In World War I Russian, government control of banks and most industries, the seizing of grain from peasants, and the centralization of state administration under Communist control.
  • Reparations: Payment made to the victors by the vanquished to cover the costs of a war.
  • Mandate: A nation governed by another nation on behalf of the League of Nations.
  • Total War: A war that involves the complete mobilization of resources and people, affecting the lives of all citizens in the warring countries, even those remote from battlefields. 
  • Armistice: A truce or agreement to end fighting.
  • Propaganda: Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause.
  • The Black Hand: Black Hand, a Serbian terrorist organization that wanted Bosnia to be free of Austria-Hungary and to become part of a large Serbian kingdom.Planned Economies: An economic system directed by the government agencies.

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