viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015


During World War I the different military systems were having a competition. Each one of the great empires was trying to destroy the other. The alliances helped to provide fear among those small countries who believed they could fight against them. The main goal was to show power and kill all members of the rival empire. All of the mentioned above lead to the development  of new weapons who caused millions of deaths at World War I.

*Machine guns: were guns who allowed a single man to kill hundred of men in seconds.

*Airplanes: they were first used for spying but later on they were used to deliver bombs and fight the enemy aircraft in the air.
 *Poisonous gas: another new weapons formed at that time were the poisonous gases. The Germans were the first ones to use them and two types of gases were formed by them:
a) chlorine gas: caused blindness,choking,vomiting,torn lungs and death
b)Mustard gas: mostly deadly,caused skin blisters,sore eyes, vomiting, internal and external bleeding causing a long slow death.

*submarines: were used to transport supplies to countries at war. The German u–boats destroyed warships, supply ships, commercial and passenger ships. Causing another series of events.

*Tanks: were able to invade the trenches of the enemy, they would kill hundreds of soldiers with one single shot.

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