viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

Main Causes of WWI

M.A.N.I.A.C.S caused WWI due to the following reasons:
*Militarism: militarism produced rivalry between the great empires. A competition was formed within all of the great empires because they wanted to show their power and strength. Showing their power and strength consisted of using their weapons and well build military systems.
*Alliances: The Triple Entente and The Triple alliance were the alliances formed throughout world war one. The Alliance within Germany, Austria Hungary and Italy caused France,Great Britain and Russia to unify. The more allies you had at that time the more powerful you became.
*Nationalism : liberals believed that if European states were organized along nation lines,states will work together and create a peaceful empire. However, nationalism builded a great ego in big empires.
*imperialism: Great empires instead of building nationalism they builded imperialism. They had the desire of expanding their territory and gaining more military power.
*Assasination of Franz Ferdinand: Ferdinand was killed along with his pregnant wife by Gravilo Princip. The Serbians were part of the Austrian Hungarian empire however, they wanted to get rid of the alliance and Bosnia to join them. The BLACK HAND  was formed and killed Ferdinand which gave the perfect excuse to the Austrian Hungarians to attack the Serbians. Since the Russians defended the Serbians the Germans joined the Austrian Hungarians.

*wConflict in The Balkans Peninsula:  the Balkans Peninsula had different religions and nationalities therefore, the Russians and Austrian Hungarians wanted to conquer them due to their imperialist ideas.
*Series of diplomatic failures:All of the mentioned above lead to a series of diplomatic failures which caused war. Ultimatum from Austria Hungarians fails to Serbia so Serbia were at war with the Austrian Hungarians. Russia and France mobilize against Germany because it was their common enemy also Germans were defending the Austrian Hungarians. Then Germany attacks french with Schlieffen plan through neutral Belgium and failed. England attacks the Germans because they had an alliance with Belgium and Belgium was being attacked by the Germans. 
conclusion: due to alliances and common enemies the war was formed. Nationalism gave Great Britian advantage and imperialist ideas made the Germans produce great lose of soldiers. WWI was a war for ambitious empires like the Germans who tried to their "power."                                                                                                              

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